Matter Matters
SC Academic Science Standard: 3.P.2 - Properties of Matter;
Understand the structure and properties of matter before and after they undergo a change.
It's just a matter of time until your classroom transforms into a scientific laboratory! Get ready to investigate the properties of matter including solids, liquids & gasses. Find out exactly why matter matters as we discover bubbling potions, watch air take up space, speed things up with our evaporation races & more! Chemical reactions have never tasted so good as we make our own science ice cream...YUM!
Edison's Workshop
SC Academic Science Standard: 3.P.3 - Electricity & Forces that affect motion;
Understand how electricity transfers energy how forces affect the motion of an object.
Find out all of the current science on electricity & magnetism as students explore Edison's inventions! They'll get to build their own electroscope to take home, get hands-on with static & current electricity, and have FUN with our electromagnets! Discover the shocking facts experimenting with our lightning globe & more!
SC Academic Science Standard: 3.E.4 - Structures of Earth's Surface;
Compare structures of the Earth's surface using models or 3D diagrams.
This field trip is erupting with FUN as we investigate Earth's dramatic landforms first hand. Your students will transform into mini-geologists as they study the lands from around the globe- from the tops of majestic mountains to the depths of mysterious caves and everything in between. Set out to find the facts on natural acts as we get a hands-on look at earthquakes, volcanoes & more! Finally, we'll get the beef on coral reefs as students make their own 3-D Living Reef to keep!
Extreme Scene
SC Academic Science Standard: 3.L.5 - Animal Survival & Adaptations;
Understand how the characteristics and changes in environments and habitats affect the diversity of organisms.
Journey though the Earth's extreme environments! From super cold to super deep, we'll discover the amazing adaptations that help them to survive & thrive in their ever-changing habitats. Have FUN as we shine some light on bioluminescence, build a biome & more!

Meteorology Madness
SC Academic Science Standard: 4.E.2 - Weather Conditions & Patterns;
Undserstand the water cycle and weather and climate patterns.
The forecast for the day is FUN as students transform into mini-meteorologists. Map out the facts as we investigate our planet's unpredictable weather patterns. Prepare to feel the pressure...the air pressure that is! Experience the winds of change as we get an up-close & hands-on look at the changing conditions experimenting with tornadoes, hurricanes, thunder, lightning & more!
It Doesn't Phase Me
SC Academic Science Standard: 4.E.3 - Earth, Moon & Sun System;
Understand the locations, movements, and patterns of stars and objects in the solar system.
Calling out all future astronomers! We're blasting off for an out-of-this-world odyssey to study the causes of day & night. Take a bite out of the 8 different phases of the moon & have FUN as we make a real impact becoming crater makers. Get up close & hands-on with solar & lunar eclipses, the planets, our solar system & more!
Sounds Like Fun
SC Academic Science Standard: 4.P.4B - Sounds & Vibrations;
Understand the relationship between sounds and vibrating object.
Do you hear what I hear? It's the sweet sound of science! Have FUN as we tune into the different media. Students will be picking up good vibrations as they get hands-on with sound waves, make salt dance, send water flying & build their very own ear drum to keep!
Smarty Plants
SC Academic Science Standard: 4.L.5 - Characteristics of Plants;
Understand how the structural characteristics and traits of plants and animals allow them to survive, grow, and reproduce.
Plants are everywhere around us but how much do we really know about them? Prepare to get all the "seedy" facts as we dig into the fascinating world of botany. Have FUN as we study the science of soil & find out how delicious dirt can truly be! Get a hands-on look at real earthworms, dissect a seed, make & take home a pollen catcher. Build your very own working terrarium to keep!

Matter Matters
SC Academic Science Standard: 5.P.2 - Properties of Matter;
Understand the structure and properties of matter before and after they undergo a change.
It's just a matter of time until your classroom transforms into a scientific laboratory! Get ready to investigate the properties of matter including solids, liquids & gasses. Find out exactly why matter matters as we discover bubbling potions, watch air take up space, speed things up with our evaporation races & more! Chemical reactions have never tasted so good as we make our own science ice cream...YUM!
SC Academic Science Standard: 5.L.4 - Interactions within Ecosystems;
Understand the interdependence of plants & animals with their ecosystem. Explain how animals use adaptations & behaviors to survive in their habitat & the environment's changing conditions.
Are you ready to explore Earth's more incredible ecosystems? Students will set out on a scientific safari to discover the amazing habitats that can be found across our planet and the wild animals that call it home! Have FUN as you build your very own rainforest, dissect REAL owl pellets, make a spider web & much more!
Forced to Change
SC Academic Science Standard: 5.P.5 - Forces that Affect Motion;
Understand the factors that affect motion of an object.
Find out why things are forced to change as we discover how different forces can change motion. Compete in the Gravity Games as we unlock the mysteries behind the amazing force that affects us all! Join in the FUN as we examine inertia and motion. Prepare to get the job done with push, pull & more!
SC Academic Science Standard: 5.E.3 - Structures of Earth's Surface;
Compare structures of the Earth's surface using models or 3D diagrams.
This field trip is erupting with FUN as we investigate Earth's dramatic landforms first hand. Your students will transform into mini-geologists as they study the lands from around the globe- from the tops of majestic mountains to the depths of mysterious caves and everything in between. Set out to find the facts on natural acts as we get a hands-on look at earthquakes, volcanoes & more! Finally, we'll get the beef on coral reefs as students make their own 3-D Living Reef to keep!